『【輸入盤CD】Kevin Keller / Evensong【K2023/10/6発売】 買取 店舗』はセカイモンでkJ-b78d5e0de3から出品され、132の入札を集めて01月22日 01時 00分に、2,020円で落札されました。即決価格は2,020円でした。決済方法はに対応。大阪府からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはストア、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
Using the 12th century plainchant of Hildegard of Bingen as his inspiration, Kevin Keller creates a timeless journey through the stages of life with "Evensong", scored for a quartet of female vocalists, strings, piano, organ, and synthesizers. We are taken from conception and birth, moving to the playful innocence of early childhood, followed by growing up, then the uncertainty of adulthood, the confusion and struggle of making ones way in the world, the peace that comes in maturity, the transition of death, and the mystery of what comes after. At every step of the way, Keller combines classical textures and modern timbres and rhythms in evocative fashion, often crowned by the beauty of the four female voices in unison.
発売日: 2023/10/6
レーベル: Kevin Keller Prod
収録曲: 1.1 Evensong 1
1.2 Evensong 2
1.3 Evensong 3
1.4 Evensong 4
1.5 Evensong 5
1.6 Evensong 6
1.7 Evensong 7
1.8 Evensong 8
コメント:Using the 12th century plainchant of Hildegard of Bingen as his inspiration, Kevin Keller creates a timeless journey through the stages of life with "Evensong", scored for a quartet of female vocalists, strings, piano, organ, and synthesizers. We are taken from conception and birth, moving to the playful innocence of early childhood, followed by growing up, then the uncertainty of adulthood, the confusion and struggle of making ones way in the world, the peace that comes in maturity, the transition of death, and the mystery of what comes after. At every step of the way, Keller combines classical textures and modern timbres and rhythms in evocative fashion, often crowned by the beauty of the four female voices in unison.
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