『Bangcheer-Wall Mount for Deco X20 X60 X50 X55 WiFi 6 Wall Mount Bracket with Cable Organizer Home Mesh WiFi System, Sturdy Bracket Holder Space Saving ,Router Wall Holder 気に入って購入』はYahoo!オークション(旧ヤフオク!)でkJ-31c54dabf3から出品され、61の入札を集めて01月04日 10時 29分に、2,136円で落札されました。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。即決価格は2,136円でした。栃木県からの発送料は落札者が負担しました。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークションでした。
Bangcheer-Wall Mount for Deco X20 X60 X50 X55 WiFi 6 Wall Mount Bracket with Cable Organizer Home Mesh WiFi System, Sturdy Bracket Holder Space Saving ,Router Wall HolderWall-mounted Home Wifi Mesh System: Upgrade your home wifi system and adapt to the Deco X20 X60 X50 X55 Deco Mesh Wifi 6 system. Use our deco wall mount bracket for a better range and reception and to give your the position it needs to maximize your experience.
With Optimal Ventilation: This wall mount bracket is designed with a ventilated bottom that provides consistent airflow to distribute heat throughout your home Deco X20 X60 X50 X55 wifi 6 system for better operation and longer life.
No Messy and Dangling Cords: You dont have to worry about wires falling apart on the floor or piling up behind the router. We designed a special cable organizer at the bottom to store excess cables. Even better, the mount stand holder wont interfere with people or pets. Note: Deco X20 X60 X50 X55 router is not included in the kit.
Easy Installation and Saves Space: Quickly installing our wall mount for Deco X20 X60 X50 X55. With the appropriate accessories, make sure they are always in the position you want them to be. Because sturdy bracket holder can be mounted on the wall, it can be left off the desk or floor to better protect your Deco X50 X55 Mesh WiFi system.
Stylish and Elegant Design: Lightweight, durable and with a classic look and seamless fit. It also makes a great home decoration, keeping your home organized and looking neat, and is a nice addition to your interior design. this wall mount material is the perfect accessory for your room or office mesh system.
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