『【輸入盤CD】【新品】Ye/Zhanhao/Wang/Tokyo Phil Orch / Violin Cto 1 【K2019/4/5発売】 ご購入特典つき』はヤフオクでkJ-36522da39fから01月04日 12時 48分に出品され01月24日 12時 48分に終了予定です。即決価格は4,906円に設定されています。現在901件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。島根県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
Hailed at its premiere as "a breakthrough in Chinas symphonic music," HE Zhanhao and CHEN Gangs "Butterfly Lovers" Violin Concerto was later reviled during the Cultural Revolution for its Western influence and feudal Chinese inspiration. Though universally recognized among the Chinese people, the piece remains largely unknown in the West. A work of undeniable emotional appeal, it also carries with it a history that some of its biggest supporters are still struggling to digest. Borne of an uneasy union of revolutionary nationalist sentiment and Chinese urban cosmopolitanism, the musical progeny manages to be faithful to both its parents. SHEN Ye is Associate Professor of Composition in the Composition Department, Shanghai Conservatory of Music. His works have been performed frequently in Mainland China, Asia, the U.S. and Europe. He has cooperated with several well-known orchestras including the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Opera House Orchestra, Hong Kong Chinese Traditional Orchestra, and has completed several commissions.
発売日: 2019/4/5
レーベル: Accentus
コメント:Hailed at its premiere as "a breakthrough in Chinas symphonic music," HE Zhanhao and CHEN Gangs "Butterfly Lovers" Violin Concerto was later reviled during the Cultural Revolution for its Western influence and feudal Chinese inspiration. Though universally recognized among the Chinese people, the piece remains largely unknown in the West. A work of undeniable emotional appeal, it also carries with it a history that some of its biggest supporters are still struggling to digest. Borne of an uneasy union of revolutionary nationalist sentiment and Chinese urban cosmopolitanism, the musical progeny manages to be faithful to both its parents. SHEN Ye is Associate Professor of Composition in the Composition Department, Shanghai Conservatory of Music. His works have been performed frequently in Mainland China, Asia, the U.S. and Europe. He has cooperated with several well-known orchestras including the Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Opera House Orchestra, Hong Kong Chinese Traditional Orchestra, and has completed several commissions.
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